Things Consumers Should Understand About Professional Teeth Whitening in O’Fallon MO

by | Dec 28, 2018 | Dental

Dental implants, crowns, bridges and partial dentures usually do not become discolored over time, although smoking tobacco can cause this problem. Natural tooth enamel does tend to get a bit darker or yellower with the passing years, which makes the restorative materials in the mouth no longer blend in very well. Professional Teeth Whitening in O’Fallon MO can solve this problem for most types of discoloration.

How Staining Happens

Staining on tooth enamel gradually occurs over time mainly because of what people eat and drink, and because of their tobacco usage. Dark-colored beverages are a common culprit in discoloration. This happens even when a person is vigilant about brushing at least twice a day. Professional Teeth Whitening in O’Fallon MO bleaches away those stains.

Permanent Stains

However, the whitening process cannot lighten teeth that are gray because of a dead nerve, which is a consequence of root canal therapy. Certain antibiotics taken during early childhood also can cause permanent yellowing.

Professional vs. Home Whitening

Teeth whitening kits can be purchased in drugstores and some grocery stores, but the best results happen when people begin the process at a dental clinic. Professional bleaching guarantees more consistent, even results. The patients can continue the whitening treatment at home after the first few sessions if they prefer.

Regaining Confidence

Anyone who wants their smile brightened up and to gain a more even color for natural teeth blending with restorative materials may visit New Age Dental Care online to get started. The process helps people regain self-confidence and feel good about smiling again. They don’t feel the need to only smile with their lips closed or to put a hand over their mouth when showing their teeth.

Preventing Discoloration in the Future

In the future, staining can be minimized by not drinking dark beverages and not using tobacco products. Although people may not be willing to give up their coffee or black tea, they can use strategies like not swishing the dark liquid around their teeth and not sipping on these beverages all day long. Brown soft drinks, dark fruit juices and red wine can be sipped with a straw.